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Monday 19 August Mean Gene Kelton Most Requested.

mean gene kelton texas city dyke

Tuesday genee June Tuesday 2 April Sunday 5 May Sunday 7 July They have shared the playbill with numerous blues and rock legends: Saturday 6 Jean Wednesday 11 September Monday 13 May Wednesday 26 June Sunday 28 July Discovering how audiences respond to songs with sexual innuendos, Kelton really caught their attention by beginning "The Texas City Dyke", "She's got tattoos on her titties.

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His songs also contain lots of imagery. Songs like "Sweet Mother Blues" and "If Everybody Loved The Blues", extol blues music as having remarkable properties, like being able to end war and having "almighty healin' powers".

mean gene kelton texas city dyke

Sunday 28 April It took years of moving through various jobs, getting back into music after a divorce, and trying for a few years to get together a band, going through what he called "the worst of the worst" musicians, before he finally formed The Gene Kelton Band with bass player A. Thanks for checking out this preview of Slacker Radio! Sunday 4 August The band went through another name, The Love Buzzards, before fans called them "die hards" for playing long sessions in the hot sun suggesting their final revision.

The Texas City Dyke - Mean Gene Kelton | Song Info | AllMusic

Connect to Spotify Dismiss. Saturday 29 June Tuesday 24 September Monday 6 May Wednesday 17 July Whoa, are you in two places at once?

Wednesday 24 April Wednesday 7 August Monday 16 September Wednesday 24 July Afterward they lived with his grandfather, a cotton plantation sharecropper. Outside Lands takes live music to a higher level Fest. Do you know a YouTube video for this track? Wednesday 18 September Monday 12 August


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